ADWISERY has implemented a project technical vulnerability assessment and hacking resistance testing services for information systems
The experts implemented a project for information systems technical vulnerability assessment and burglary resistance testing services for SE for Klaipėda State Seaport Authority and provided conclusions and recommendations that will help reduce unauthorized intrusion into the external computer network and web applications.
The following services were provided during the implementation of the project:
- Technical vulnerability assessment and hacking testing of two Internet service test servers were performed;
- Security check of the perimeter of the external computer network (WAN) according to the Internet addresses provided by the KSSA (at least 20 addresses) was performed, during which the following was performed:
- Information about the test object from publicly available sources was collected;
- Perimeter network nodes accessible from the Internet were identified;
- Operating systems operating on perimeter network nodes were identified and vulnerabilities were checked;
- Services operating on perimeter network nodes were identified and vulnerabilities were checked, configuration analysis was performed (additional information about the system was collected through errors, system messages, software implementation services);
- A hacking test was performed and passwords for external services for services available from the Internet that require user authentication were audited.
- A report on the assessment of technical vulnerabilities and hacking testing of the perimeter of the external computer network and two Internet service test servers was drawn up, which describes the identified vulnerabilities, provides evidence and recommendations on how to eliminate the identified vulnerabilities.
Provided by SE for Klaipėda State Seaport Authority for the implemented project feedback.