ADWISERY carried out compliance assessment services for government information resources and communications and information systems managed and managed
Assessment of compliance of state information resources and communication and information systems managed and managed by the Department of Informatics and Communications under the Ministry of the Interior of the Republic of Lithuania with the requirements of legal acts and standards
ADWISERY carried out Information security management system meeting the requirements of the Lithuanian standard LST EN ISO / IEC 27001: 2017, internal audit services
Informatics and Communications Departments under the Ministry of the Interior of the Republic of Lithuania Internal audit of the information security management system in accordance with the LST EN ISO / IEC 27001: 2017 standard and other legal acts.
ADWISERY carried out the project “Information Systems Security Assessment Services” of the Department of Cultural Heritage under the Ministry of Culture
We have provided information systems security audit services involving performance of penetration testing, compliance and information security risk assessment, business continuity and recovery assessment and data privacy impact assessment.
ADWISERY has successfully provided Technology Vulnerability Assessment and Resilience Enhancement services project
Experts have successfully implemented the Technology Vulnerability Assessment and Resilience to Cyber Attack Enhancement services project (agreement) in UAB „Vilniaus vandenys“.
ADWISERY has implemented a project technical vulnerability assessment and hacking resistance testing services for information systems
The experts have implemented a project for the implemented a project on technical vulnerability assessment and hacking resilience testing services for information systems for SE for Klaipėda State Seaport Authority
ADWISERY has implemented a project (contract) for the development of technical specification for the information system
The experts have implemented a project (contract) for the preparation of technical specification for the preparation, development and implementation of the technical description of the information system for the Genocide and Resistance Research Centre of Lithuania.